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  • Is there a way that I can private message you? I have a few quick questions (also from Maine, so your recent post stuck out!) - my DS just rec'd an offer for USAFA PREP and has 5 days to accept / decline. We are spinning.....
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    Reactions: Milkbone123
    Hello! Thank you for reaching out and a huge congratulations to your DS! I love to hear that another Mainer is pursuing the path of service. I would love to chat. I will see if I can access messages (I may have to make one more posting for me to have access). If not, I would be happy to share my personal email with you as well and we can talk more there if you'd like!
    It does not seem to be allowing me to direct message you so feel free to ask questions here. It it's easier for you to email, here is my personal email: jamesmannette1@gmail.com
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