Hi @mxschool08 My DS was disqualified by DODMERB due to D227.80 history of spondylolysis. I understand you were able to get a waiver. Can you share what steps you all took to ensure that a waiver was granted? Thanks in advance!
Hi Sir, My daughter got the 3 yr army ROTC scholarship. Now, she is in 1sr yr college attending ROTC though her scholarship will start on her 2nd yr. They are reviewing her medical records on her mild less than grade 1 spondylolisthesis in 2014. After physical therapy, she haven't had any pain. If they disqualify her, What do we need to prepare for a waiver to be granted? I would really appreciate your help,Mamaganda
Hey! Can you help me with how to get a Spondylothesis waiver? I was already denied for the Air Force two years ago, went to college, and now i'm about to graduate and I'm looking at the Navy now
Hey I need help. I played sports and received a hit to the back and had minor pain for awhile my junior year. I went to a specialist and he said I had slight spondylyosis. The pain stopped and I went on then I got in a car crash and had pain again but it was unrelated to the spondylyosis. My waiver was denied and the xrays that are a year old show barely any spondylyosis. How can I go about obtaining a waiver?
i have been trying to join the military for over 2 years. when i was 15 i had a football accedent resulting in a slight sublication of c6-c7. caused by spondylolysis. the result was a sugary fusing the two vitibra together. this injury happened 5 years ago. i havent had any problems. i have played full contact football, wrestled, boxed, fought ect. with no injury. the neck is fine. i have ALOT of second oppinion from docs. saying im good to go.
when i was 17 and a half i tried to enlist in the navy; the wavior was denide.
i dont want to lie to join the military. i know that this is what i want to do. any and all information you have which could help, i would deeply appriciate.
ive also been going to school and have over 45 units complete with a gpa of over a 3.6. ive talked to my repressentive and he said he is willing to write a letter in support of the waivor.