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  • Good evening!, my name is Alexsus the soon to be college re applicant that you gave all of that super awesome info regarding the CFA. I actually have a few questions that I think would give you a better insight on my athletic standing. Looking forward to your message!
    If you are maxing other events but still failing overall that does not quite add up. I'm assuming from your name that you are a girl so not being able to do a pullup is totally fine in that case so long as you have a max flexed arm hang. But pull ups are easy to work. To work them, start with negatives. Jump up so your chin is above the bar and slowly lower your body to the ground.
    When you do this, you want your elbows to be push back so that way you are activating your back muscles. PULL-UPS WORK YOUR BACK MORE THAN YOUR ARMS. From there, I would try to get some resistance bands to do pull ups with. Try to get a band to counter act 10-20 lbs and do work with that.
    You can do stuff like 3-5 max sets, pyramids, ladders etc. Point is, work pullups. when you are starting out, your back will get fatigued super easy, so plan rest days early and often. Let me know if you have any more questions.
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