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  • lol I feel your pain just stinks...I was really hoping to get accepted (knock on wood, still have a chance).

    Have you called admissions yet?
    If accepted to USNA, I also want to go USMC. I feel your pain in that I have not yet been accepted to S.S. even though I applied on 02/01/09 and they confirmed by email that they received my app. That doesn't make sense that they haven't reviewed your application yet. My best friend from high school was accepted in first wave of emails. Our rankings are very similar, but I have more leadership positions, team captianships, more varsity-lettered sports...even my ACT was higher. Please understand I'm not bragging about myself nor degrading my best friend's accomplishment. It's just difficult to understand the way things work at admissions, you know? We both applied on Day One! I wish I could go, and am frankly tired of looking at an empty mailbox for the past two months.
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