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  • Hi usna1985, I came across one of your threads regarding OCS. I'm currently attending Bryant University and have considered trying to become an officer through OCS. My question is it hard to get into the program? Are there certain requirements? Are OCS officers seen as lesser in the Navy? Thank you in advance for your answers.
    Hi. Is it alright if you could change my screen name to mav1971kit? I don't want to have my real name on here.
    Please send an email to TacticalNuke, the forum administrator requesting the change.
    Son just got a wait list letter. Was wondering what that exactly means? He has a 4.7 GPA. Valedictorian of the Florida AirFotce Academy, Wing Commander of his group, ROTC Commnader, has done thousands of hours of public service, is on multiple sports teams and is top 3 in school on them, and gets a wait list letter and not an accepted letter. Wow, really must be a lot of smart kids out there to beat ALL that.
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