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  • "There's only two kinds of men in this world...those who have a crush on Linda Ronstadt, & those who never of heard of her"-Willie Nelson.
    "There's only two kinds of men in this world...those who have a crush on Linda Ronstadt, & those who never of heard of her"-Willie Nelson.
    " You are all condemned men. We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well, and live". Quintus Arrius, Ben-Hur
    Fantastic Work AOG & CPA
    I just want to acknowledge the great work of these 2 groups. When we dropped off our DD at the AFA, the members of AOG were great. There was water & sunscreen available. Every question was answered cheerfully & we were in the last group of a long day in the sun for these people. Everyone was so pleasant and supportive. The Colorado Parent's Association. I cannot say enough about them. Again, caring, supportive members who manned a very large, hot Bar-B- Q, letter writing station, etc. They would not accept a donation. These groups went a long way in easing my anxieties. Thank you very much.
    Watertown, Ma Wonder if the folks currently "sheltered in place" would like to have a firearm....
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