Is information gained from Facebook groups found elsewhere?


Oct 11, 2023
DS will be entering the class of 28 in a few weeks. I've gleaned some great information from this site (thank you) and from the Naval Academy website. Various Facebook groups are sometimes mentioned here and elsewhere as places to gain information or are used as the main form of communication in certain parent groups. For example, my state has a parent group that appears to use Facebook as their primary platform. I understand it's probably the most efficient way of communicating for these groups and I am not suggesting there are better alternatives. However, we've avoided Facebook (and most social media) so far, and I'm not keen on jumping into it now. I am wondering if I'd be missing out on information if I didn't join. Anyone else out there feeling reluctant to join?
DS will be entering the class of 28 in a few weeks. I've gleaned some great information from this site (thank you) and from the Naval Academy website. Various Facebook groups are sometimes mentioned here and elsewhere as places to gain information or are used as the main form of communication in certain parent groups. For example, my state has a parent group that appears to use Facebook as their primary platform. I understand it's probably the most efficient way of communicating for these groups and I am not suggesting there are better alternatives. However, we've avoided Facebook (and most social media) so far, and I'm not keen on jumping into it now. I am wondering if I'd be missing out on information if I didn't join. Anyone else out there feeling reluctant to join?
I joined. And rarely read it or contribute.

Lot of bragging. Lot of gossiping. Wasn’t worth it.

Your DS will have all the information you need.
Haven’t been on fb for over a decade, Mid seems to be doing fine:). FWIW I’m one of the leaders of my state’s club and we have a FB, but I never use it. Join your parents group regardless!

Other than straight from the source this site has the best gouge.

And honestly, your Plebe to be is probably better off - my Mid resisted all the FB, YouTube etc stuff on PS partially because he wanted the surprise, but also figured going in without any preconceptions or second knowledge would make it easier. Anecdotally he was right - those who showed up thinking they knew it all found themselves dropped a lot!
We found FB to be a good source of information on Class-specific merchandise that was not readily available elsewhere. As a result, we have probably too many custom blankets, banners, flags, tee shirts, hoodies, etc.

Some useful gouge that was not shared by DCs.

Lots of extraneous BS.

We found the BLB parents' site useful. The plebe company class site was good as well, since none of us were allowed near the yard that year. It helped to meet other parents.
Over PS, Company FB page for the class was a good source of photos. Beyond that, FB pages were not particularly informative or useful.
I know we see on this site and others that is important to join these groups. Join or do not join what is best for you and your family. The OGs on this site made it thru years ago with no social media, very little parent groups and very limited comms with our families. Our closest parents group was hours away. I was a basketball player I didn’t get the normal leave periods so alot of that info was pertinent. Some families want to be so involved and know everything, but the level of involvement varies by family. I had siblings doing college apps and other things, my parents were busy and didn’t feel the need to drive hours for a parent meeting. With cell phones and computers at every Mids disposal, you have so many more comms paths than we ever did as Mids. Some of the parent groups can get out of hand. Take it for what it is and verify with your Mid. Some parents go way overboard and will call the Supe because their kid hasn’t go their winter coat yet. Not saying you would, but a general statement, don’t do this. Do what is best for you.
DS will be entering the class of 28 in a few weeks. I've gleaned some great information from this site (thank you) and from the Naval Academy website. Various Facebook groups are sometimes mentioned here and elsewhere as places to gain information or are used as the main form of communication in certain parent groups. For example, my state has a parent group that appears to use Facebook as their primary platform. I understand it's probably the most efficient way of communicating for these groups and I am not suggesting there are better alternatives. However, we've avoided Facebook (and most social media) so far, and I'm not keen on jumping into it now. I am wondering if I'd be missing out on information if I didn't join. Anyone else out there feeling reluctant to join?
Same, we are avoiding Facebook. I love this site, got a lot of helpful information here.
Take it for what it is and verify with your mid. Some parents go way overboard and will call the Supe because their kid hasn’t go their winter coat yet.

My favorite was parents complaining about food. They were up in arms and writing letters to USNA about lunch one day.

I sent a text to my son - what’s going with the food? He laughed and said it was good. Sent a pic. I would have eaten it and looked for seconds.

My son was a very picky eater growing up. Hamburgers ketchup only, chicken strips, or Kraft macaroni and cheese. Not liking my food! I would not take his side over USNA regarding food - in fact, I would enjoy the Karma. ;)
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+1 to NavyHoops. In my day as well, there was no social media. Not even cell phones. Calls outside of Annapolis were charged at long-distance rates. What we're saying is that there wasn't a lot of opportunity to talk with the parental units. Yet our parents made it to important events (PPW, 1/C (now 2/C) PW, graduation week) and events they might want to attend (e.g., football games, parades). They figured it out.

I can 100% guarantee your mid will have access to all relevant information. USNA promulgates information on its website that is helpful for parents, such as the PPW schedule.

FB groups can be helpful if you have no familiarity with USNA or the military and have anxiety of what your child has "gotten themselves into." But IMHO some parents' groups -- and parents -- are out of control. In the past, they have been known to call the Superintendent to "demand" special privileges, better food, etc. [Cross-posted with A1 Janitor on this point]

As painful as it may be, your "child" (who will always be your child) is now considered an adult and a member of the US military. You should 100% be available for support (lots of threads on this), but the time to know what your kid is doing every minute of every day has passed. And, as painful as it may be, this isn't grade school where you go in for meetings with the teacher or chaperone field trips.

Be a cheerleader. Be a shoulder to "cry on." Be a sounding board. Leave it there.
I can 100% guarantee your mid will have access to all relevant information. USNA promulgates information on its website that is helpful for parents, such as the PPW schedule.
Great posts from my fellow alums above but I'm going to go out on a limb here on something.
If you (the parent) is somehow doing research and finding out things for your mid, then you are doing it WRONG.
As a junior military officer, their jobs and even their lives along with the lives of many others can depend on THEIR
ABILITY to get information and use it properly. I'm not pointing fingers by any means and know that there is not
any malicious intent but they have to LEARN how to manage themselves including where to be, where to put their stuff,
etc. The good Captain often advises getting your Mid to figure out their own flights/transportation and that is the typical
type of thing that they really need to do as an adult to say nothing of Military Officer and leader.

You can help them develop these skills by getting THEM to get the information for you. Get your soon to be plebes to
tell YOU what the schedule for Parents Weekend. . both now in the Pre-I Day time and later during Plebe Summer. Get
THEM to tell you when they have 3 day weekends or for that matter when Plebes rate Liberty, etc.
I know that the parental reflex is to do this research yourself and if you must - keep it to yourself as "advance warning" while
still holding your plebe accountable for taking the Conn on this.
FWIW, imo, class specific FB groups are a good source of camaraderie and PHOTOS. There is a photographer who dedicates hours and hours of catching each company at parades, march overs, and march ons. With a professional lens, and in digital folders. Especially neat plebe year, and if your person is in a leadership wedge , for example. All for free. Only available on FB.

Additionally, class merchandise as mentioned. And also company specific groups and info. It’s SOCIAL media. Not primary source. But a spot to belong with others.

To each their own, but if you want to be included in socializing with fellow class parents, or your Mids company parents, that how it happens. As far as state parent groups, FB is how they roll. So that’s where you will find out about state events, all academy balls, picnics, etc. It’s the most effective way at this point for clubs. Heck, even the SA’s have their own OFFICIAL social media sights. Presently, USNA admissions is featuring the incoming class (and I wonder if we have seen some of our forum members).

For sure it’s not mandatory. But you will be missing out on some socializing (like occurs here sometimes) and photos. But maybe that’s the point 🤔??!?
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So that’s where you will find out about state events, all academy balls, picnics, etc
Things must have changed. Never had any of these in my day.

There also were NO photos of PS. No way to publish them to parents. We wrote letters. On paper. And put them in the mailbox. A real one. Not kidding. That's how our parents got news.

My parents never met or talked to any of the other parents of mids in my company. Even my roommates' parents. To be fair, there was no way to connect in those days. Even had there been, I don't see my parents as wanting to be BFF with other parents. I recognize things are different today and it is true that, if you want to be friends with other parents, FB is the way to do it.
It is partly a matter of how many different places you want to discuss the same topics. Some of those so-called 'secret' parent groups are privately discussing all of the same topics openly discussed here. Also good advice to avoid posting too much specific information about your son/daughter regardless of the site. Many older threads talk about that. Here you tend to get more people who are current in their SA knowledge, want to be helpful and actually know what they are talking about. If someone posts something that is either inaccurate or nonsense, there are enough other participants who will let them know. Many of those other sites offer an email option that you will find fills up your inbox with a lot of useless (and often inaccurate) information.

State-level parents groups aren't all bad and if you want to participate in local get togethers, might be one way to coordinate that. However, the amount of DAILY updates you need/want about plebe summer is really a matter of personal preference.
Thanks everyone. Missing out on the photos might be the one thing we would really regret. Grandma, (daughter of a WW2 vet) living across the country sure loves her digital photo frame and would be so proud to see DS in uniform. I'll have to weigh the pros and cons.
Things must have changed. Never had any of these in my day.

There also were NO photos of PS. No way to publish them to parents. We wrote letters. On paper. And put them in the mailbox. A real one. Not kidding. That's how our parents got news.

My parents never met or talked to any of the other parents of mids in my company. Even my roommates' parents. To be fair, there was no way to connect in those days. Even had there been, I don't see my parents as wanting to be BFF with other parents. I recognize things are different today and it is true that, if you want to be friends with other parents, FB is the way to do it.
Yes. Times are different. This stuff is available if you want to participate. Even USNA has their own official FB, Instagram and Twitter.

Heck, there is even a paid photo stream program available for purchase, included in the PTR paperwork mailed to appointees.

Doesn’t mean anyone has to participate. One can follow, only for content. But it’s available. The SAF probably wasn’t around, either. But it’s also a useful source of information.

To each their own.
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I found the BLB for my kids class very helpful. The photographer that others have mentioned is Bob Peterson and he post photos on the BLB page and the Mid Moms (and Dads) page. I met him at PPW when he sets up his camera in front of Bancroft Hall and shoots complimentary photos of the Plebes and their parents on Sunday afternoon. He posts the photos in well organized albums and you can download them to your computer. Several people who are local will also post photos from time to time. During Plebe Summer we spent hours hunting Waldo.

Edit to add: In case you didn't know "hunting Waldo" means looking through hundreds of photos every day trying to find your kid.
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It depends on how much info you would like in advance, how much you like to plan ahead, and if you are interested in seeing pictures and videos. They also share event schedules, parking/traffic info, VIP guests and special events, etc. The Brigade has mids assigned to their social media pages that share things you wouldn’t otherwise get to see- morning workouts, sea trials, mid of the week, pet of the week, signing 2/7s, King Hall shenanigans, ceremonies, parades, etc. It is also a great place to arrange rides to/from metro/airports (there are sign ups for free winter break rides)

Facebook/Instagram (particularly stories) have pages (public and private) geared towards new parents, plebe companies, Annapolis rental properties, USNA mid parents, swap and sell of USNA gear, etc. During Plebe Summer you will receive little info, but the social media pages will share updates, pics/videos, etc.

Many parents create an account just to use for their mids’ time at USNA and then get rid of it. The levels have limited access to communication and they often cannot take pics/videos but there are many outlets that are sharing this for families. Even once your plebe has their phone communication is minimal because they are scheduled 24/7. If you want to keep up it really helps. It’s also a great place to be encouraged and to learn more about what goes on at USNA and the amazing people there!

There are also several local approved photographers given private access to the mids that share pics and videos- some for a fee, but many completely free.

Some of the good ones are…
USNA 2028 BLB Parents (from this page a private group will form of you plebe’s summer company)
(Your state’s USNA parent club)
Bob Peterson (Bob)
USNA Swap and Sell

(Whatever individual sports/clubs your mid is involved in)
I also did not have a FB account prior to DS going to PS. I did set up an account, though I have no 'friends'. I only belong to groups, and the most useful is the state parent club and the BLB for his class.

I wouldn't have wanted to miss the photos (esp during PS) and wouldn't have known about the Link in the Chain tailgate party that was arranged for our class parents at Army Navy each year. The other thing that has been useful is the group for rental properties - sometimes more cost effective to rent from Navy families rather than through VRBO or Air BnB.