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  1. L

    Field Force Officer

    Hi! I am a junior in high school and had contacted my field force officer my freshman year. I would like to contact her again this year because people have told me that I should get to know her, but I wasn't sure what to say or how to go about it. Any advice??
  2. L

    Academic Requirements

    There is regular physics but not honors and I don't know if that's better than just not taking it at all
  3. L

    Academic Requirements

    I have the choice between AP physics and AP environmental science... AP physics is extremely hard and I don't like the topic so I'm not sure if I will do good, but I know it is a recommended course. What should I do?
  4. L

    Academic Requirements

    Yeah I am taking honors pre calc this semester
  5. L

    Academic Requirements

    So I have taken most of my required courses, but they say trig is required and my high school does not offer trigonometry at my school. What do I do?
  6. L

    emails from west point admissions

    So I got these emails from the West Point Admissions Office and I was wondering what your thoughts on a response is! I'm not sure if I should say something back of let it go as if it was junk mail. And if I do say something back... What should my response include? The email was first titled am...
  7. L


    Yeah handling the kids is something else haha, thank you!
  8. L


    Thank you so mcuh!
  9. L


    Thank you! What other activities did you have that replaced the sports aspect?
  10. L


    Hi! I am extremely interested in the academy, but the only varsity sport I do is track. I also dance, do crossfit, compete in Spartan races, and am a skiing instructor as well. Do you think that is enough for the athletic aspect? I have very good academics, service, and leadership qualities I am...