emails from west point admissions


Nov 10, 2020
So I got these emails from the West Point Admissions Office and I was wondering what your thoughts on a response is! I'm not sure if I should say something back of let it go as if it was junk mail. And if I do say something back... What should my response include?

The email was first titled am I reaching ______(my name) and said that the West Point Admissions Team brought my strong academic record to COL McDonald's attention and she gave me information on the Academy. Then she said that this was a special opportunity that isn't offered to anyone and to take advantage of it by claiming Leaders of Tomorrow and gave me a personalized username and password for it.

In the next email she thanked me for signing up and said she was happy to hear from me. She said she was looking forward to keeping in touch, but I'm still not sure if I should respond or not because if many other students got the same thing I don't want to waste her time responding to "junk" mail.
If you are confused, contact your Regional Commander in Admissions:wiggle:
I also got these emails. I think they send them out to a variety of people. I started getting them and other emails from colleges after I took the PSAT and gave permission to College Board that I would be fine with getting college emails.