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  1. K

    Walk on VS Scholarship?

    As we are staring down deadlines, I think my son is getting cold feet about committing to his choices. He has reservations about making a decision that will affect the next 9 years. He’s wondering if he should/could just schedule the ROTC classes and still participate without the scholarship...
  2. K

    Only ‘2021’ test scores are good for the application?

    My rising senior has taken both the ACT, and SAT(waiting for score to come back on the 14th. He’s applying to AFROTC and states-now I haven’t looked to be positive of this myself lol-that they are only looking at his activities and grades from 9th-11th, but only test scores from “this year”...
  3. K

    How do you determine scholarship amount at schools?

    Son is rising senior, and we are making a list of schools. He’s interested in schools that have a choice of aero/industrial/mechanical engineering or at least 2/3. He’s very interested in going the AFROTC path, but will also be taking a shot at the academy. Some of these reach schools we simply...
  4. K

    Too late to try for Class of 2026?

    Mom of rising high school senior here! Like most kids the last year and a half of school have been difficult. Our son has finally rounded the bend though and has proclaimed interest in joining the Air Force with the plan to specifically go into Space Force. We’ve got a good list of schools with...