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    Appointee handbook

    Does anyone know how we can access this years appointee handbook after we’ve submitted our appointed kits? I’ve tried clicking on the link when I review my appointee kit but the link no longer works and I don’t know how else to access it.
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    Stuff to bring

    I live in Florida, and won’t be able to come back for a good bit after I day. I was wondering how we get ahold of the clothes and other stuff that we need/brought after basic?
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    Awards ceremony

    I recently was appointed with the last wave. I’d heard of appointees receiving/accounting their appointment at their senior awards ceremonies and was wondering how I might arrange this? I’d really like to have this done but have no idea who to go to or how to!
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    Can I accept another schools admission and reject it later if I get into an SA?

    I have my backup school ready to go, they’re just waiting for my acceptance of admission. Am I able to accept my admission to the school and later decline then if I get into USAFA? I want to make sure my spot isn’t given away but I don’t want to accept if it’s legally binding and I later receive...