
  1. C

    Candidate Visit Weekend Questions

    Hi all, I’ll be attending the Candidate Visit Weekend (CVW) on September 19th and was wondering if anyone had any useful tips or words of advice before I attend. All candidates attending CVW feel free to respond to this post as well as prior candidates and/or plebes. Any parents or previous or...
  2. M


    Hello Everyone! This is my first post on this website, I have been on it a lot but I made an account because I have a few questions about CVW. The first one is about my parents coming with my siblings. I have 2 younger siblings, and my parents plan on coming, are my siblings allowed to ride...
  3. H

    Significance of Candidate Visit Weekend Invite?

    Hello good people of the Service Academy Forms, I just received an invitation to Candidate Visit Weekend weekend, and I’m trying to decide how to proceed. Baseline facts: Attended Summer Seminar USNA is my #1 choice I feel like I know enough about what I’m getting myself into to go to USNA...
  4. J

    Candidate Visit Weekend Rescinded - Thoughts?

    Hi all - I have a question for the son was invited to a candidate visit back in March but then had the visit rescinded as he was also invited to summer seminar. Via e-mail, the administration office indicated that even though his candidate visit would be given to someone who was not...
  5. hbrady

    CVW advice from a recent drag

    About a month ago I was fortunate enough to attend a CVW at the Naval academy. It was such an amazing experience, and it assured me that USNA is where I want to go. Before CVW, I searched everywhere for information about what to wear to CVW (as a female), and I found next to nothing. I decided...