
  1. Mei_Mez07

    Class of 2029 Applicant: Extracurriculars

    Hello! I'm Mei and I really want to apply to go to the Naval Academy. I am currently a junior in high school. I want to study chemistry at the Naval Academy, and after serving my 9 years in the Navy I hope to go to medical school to be a doctor for the military (probably something with trauma...
  2. U

    ECA and Classes Resume Opinions Requested

    Hello! I am currently aspiring to get appointed to the USNA class of '28, and a current 11th grade Junior. I plan on graduating high school in the year 2024 and am currently in the process of preparing for the USNA applications and researching the admissions process for it. I have a list of my...
  3. I

    Sports vs Extracurricular during Covid

    I have posted before about sports being affected by Covid, but being in a big city in California, it is hard to participate in sports. It is especially hard for me as if I get it, then my mom could have a possibility of being affected immensely as her immune system is weak due to her...
  4. J

    Where do I stand in admission?

    Hey everyone, As deadlines start to roll in, I wanted to see if I could answer a question that has always been in the back of my mind: how good is my application to the USNA and other service academies? Is there anyone I can contact or ask to look through my resume with me? I would assume this...
  5. Astromatter

    Quick Question About ECs on the SLE Application

    I was filling out my SLE application for 2021 when I saw Boys State listed on the checklist for extracurriculars. I am yet to have participated in Boys State, but I was selected to attend the next session. Would I check it off?
  6. M

    Value of Actuarial Exams

    Hello everyone! I was wondering how impactful actuarial exams are in my application. Living with a single parent, I have difficulty getting to and from extracurriculars so I self studied at home for advanced math tests through the Society of Actuaries. I passed 2 very difficult multivariate...