
  1. T

    Am I on the correct path (I'm a freshmen)

    So, if you couldn't already tell by the title of the thread, I'm a freshman and new to this whole, "high school" thing and I was just wondering if the classes that I'm taking should be changed to something else that will help strengthen the chances of me getting into the USMA. These are my...
  2. tasmaniandevil_06

    Intro - High School Junior

    Hey, I am a 17-year-old female of Mexican American roots In my Junior year of high school. My family has a military past and my father was going to do marines but was unable after an injury at boot camp. I am interested in attending USAFA but i am unsure how likely I am to get in. I am applying...
  3. K

    How can I improve my chances?

    Hello everyone! I am currently a sophomore in high school and I was wondering if anyone had insight on how I can improve. I did not have a good freshman year at all, barely passed (COVID hit me like a truck), so I'm trying to rebuild. Academically, I maintain a 3.8-3.9 GPA, I take three honors...
  4. B

    Questions concerning rotc

    Hello all! I am newer to understanding everything concerning rotc in college and what would be the best options for me. Any help or input is appreciated in response to my questions. A little background on myself if it helps answer the following questions: I am currently a junior in high school...
  5. NM2019

    High School

    Hello! I am curious as to how much of an advantage I will have with applying to the USAFA based on my High school classes. I am currently a tenth grader, but I will be entering my junior year by the end of the summer. My junior year classes are: AP US History, AP US Gov/Politics, Spanish IV, AP...
  6. US2021

    Highschool Advice Please

    Hello! I am a 13 year old female heading into 9th grade and am interested in the military academies! I have been looking into them for years and have especially been drawn towards the Naval Academy/Air Force Academy! I am the first person in my family to be born in America, but serving the U.S...