middle school

  1. C

    Dyslexia and High School entry-->middle school child with serious goals

    I am the mother of a motivated 7th grader with dyslexia who wants nothing more than to go to USMA. Great kid, athletic, service orientated, all A's, and has not once taken extra time for tests and does not get any accomodations for her school work. In middle school, they are continuing to...
  2. GONAVY3237

    Middle School living abroad

    Hello. I am a US citizen in my last year of primary school in Switzerland. I know some say it's too early, but I want to try the best I can and be as prepared as possible to apply to USNA. I speak three languages, am Captain of the soccer team, play two instruments, etc. I would like to know...
  3. AJH27

    How can I Improve my odds in Middle School?

    Hi, I am currently an eighth grader and I have been seriously thinking of aiming for West Point for a couple of years now. I have had two cousins graduate from The Point, one of which is a general in the army right now, so I am kinda familiar with the application process. But, anyway, I was...