
  1. T

    Sponsored Prep - Usmma 2020

    Anyone get offered a sponsored prep slot for MMI or NMMI?
  2. K

    USMMA Prep Schools

    When is the best time to let admissions know you are willing to accept a sponsored prep school appointment? Shouldl you do it while you are on the NWL or wait for a decision for USMMA acceptance or decline? Don't want to jump the gun.

    NMMI Prep Program!

    I am a Prep here at New Mexico Military Institute. anyone who is interested in the Self Prep Program or is coming as a USAFA Falcon has any questions about the program or the school I am here to help.
  4. Potential Pilot

    Prep Requirement Changes

    Hello! I was just informed that for 2016 year prep's and beyond there is a new requirement for entering the academy after Nmmi or the other prep schools. It's that the minimum Act scores must be met, unlike previous years because of the current competitiveness for Academy appointments. I...
  5. Potential Pilot

    Usmma status switched back from NMMI princiapl to Requested Prep

    Hello! I am a potential lacrosse recruit for Usmma. I am trying to get a spot in NMMI, and my status went from Requested Prep, to NMMI principal, and back to Requested Prep. Does anyone know what this means? I thought I was accepted because of Principal status. Any information is greatly...