r-day preparation

  1. C

    R-Day Weight Confusion

    Hey, I am an incoming plebe this year the USMA, and noticed a black box in the InstructionsForApplicantsOfferedAdmission.pdf. This box states: "Every candidate is responsible formeeting the height and weight standards on RDay, without exception. Candidates who donot meet these standards are...
  2. T

    Travel preferences for incoming new cadets going to R-day (West Point)

    Hello, I have been appointed to the USMA class of 2027 and am incredibly glad to say I have accepted the offer. I was wondering if I should take the accommodated flight and hotel offered by West Point, or if I should fly with my family and let them say their goodbyes on R-day. I would love to...
  3. H

    Do I need to get name tapes?

    I've heard from some other accepted cadets in my area about getting name tapes. Though I have not heard anything from USMA about this. Do I need to get some name tapes before R-Day?
  4. ArmyAFsister

    Physical Preparation for R-Day and CBT

    Hello, Looking for some input on how to prepare physically for R-Day and CBT at USMA. Specifically asking about the ruck marches. I have been advised to start marching/hiking up to 13 miles with a 35lb rucksack. How should I do this? Running/light jogging or walking? and should I do it on flat...