I will keep this somewhat brief, because I am extremely ashamed and need to get a clear answer of how to proceed.
Recently, I was extremely stupid and drank a bit too much, which led me to hitting a bong exactly one time. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, as I got extremely sick...
Seniors at all of the Academies this spring will soon be required to (re)submit their SF86 security clearance application (SCA). Here are some tips to help yourself get through the process more painlessly.
1) Remember you only have to list your residences, education, and employments back to...
I've heard people talk about listing all illegal activities one has ever done that were not known to the police on the SF86 form. I've also heard someone say this is not needed unless you were caught by the police with an arrest or conviction. For example, someone may have illegally downloaded...
I will probably need to complete the sf86 form in order to get a security clearance.
I've been looking through a copy of the form online, and I had noticed this in section 22 (page 95):
"Is there currently a domestic violence protective order or restraining order issued against you?"