2 (relatively) basic questions

Mammal Fur

Jan 22, 2020
Hi all! I have 2 hopefully quick questions,

1. When putting in my profile information, what component do I select (reserve, regular, guard) (I am a 4 year scholarship winner trying to begin the DoDMERB process.

2. If I wore glasses 10 years ago for 4 years for an astigmatism, which went away, would that be something I would need a waiver for?

Thanks in advance:).
I don’t have the form in front of me, but leave it blank. You are a civilian.

To general a question for the answer here. We’ll let you know after we evaluate your history and exam results:)
I can't seem to unselect the option to leave it blank. This is what it looks like for me at the moment: 1582067989380.png

I understand, thanks for your help!