The Real Meaning of 4,000 Dead
I'm not asking for pity, only understanding for the cost of this war. We did, after all, volunteer for the Army and that is the key distinction between this army and the army of the Vietnam War.
Iraqi war dead are more special than those in Vietnam?
Just to be clear...
I don't agree with everything said in this article, but I did think it was a good reminder about the fact that behind the numbers are real people with families. I come across too many people that forget that there is a face that goes with each of those numbers. Maybe that happens with every war, I don't know. I was born in 1968 so I was too young during Vietnam to be aware if this was the case then too.
I don't think the United States treated those troops they way they were owed, and it's hard for us to make up for that so far down the road.
"Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, Marine, and Coast Guardsmen" was meant to REMIND people that we haven't only lost Soldiers and Sailors. If it's a post to "remember", I think it is important to remember all members who have lost their lives.
The post was not a correction, as much as a reminder.
When you're branch is constantly left out of the "rememberance" it's important to remind people.
all the services have had fatalities in iraq whether it's 1 or 2319. every one of them should be honored for giving their life and every service has something to give.