7th semeseter transcript

Sep 25, 2016
I finished my entire application around september and WP requested a waiver around October. Eventually it became approved in mid December. Since then, I haven't heard anything in regards to being triple qualified (south east region). Most likely, will WP wait to review my application until they receive my senior year transcript? thank you!
this guy is correct, I received my appointment two weeks ago and my first semester hasn't ended yet.
Congratulations! Sorry if I worded my question wrong, but I understand that you can receive an appointment without sending 7th semester reports. However, I'm wondering if WP will look at my application again once I send in my 7th semester transcript. My ALO said they haven't evaluated me yet and maybe the transcript will trigger it?
Anyone have instructions as to how I should submit my 7th semester transcript? Fax? Snail main? Also, does it have to be an official transcript?
You must request it sent by your school guidance Dept.
Congratulations! Sorry if I worded my question wrong, but I understand that you can receive an appointment without sending 7th semester reports. However, I'm wondering if WP will look at my application again once I send in my 7th semester transcript. My ALO said they haven't evaluated me yet and maybe the transcript will trigger it?

I wondered the same thing before DD finally received her 3Q letter. I don't know the answer, but this is how it worked out for us... She was finally medically qualified on Jan. 9th. Her 7th semester transcripts reached USMA on Jan. 25th. She received her 3Q letter on Jan. 30th. We are also from the SE.
Definitely has to be an official transcript. My son's college advising office sends them registered or FedEx
I wondered the same thing before DD finally received her 3Q letter. I don't know the answer, but this is how it worked out for us... She was finally medically qualified on Jan. 9th. Her 7th semester transcripts reached USMA on Jan. 25th. She received her 3Q letter on Jan. 30th. We are also from the SE.
Congrats to your DD! I guess I'll find out soon. Thank you!
You can actually request the official 7th Semester Transcript be sent via guidance Naviance System. Check with your school if you do not know your login info.