A Bit of Humor From Another College Forum


Oct 22, 2019
As many prospective cadets and their parents are on edge this week awaiting potential notifications, I think it's important to remember that many other high school seniors and parents outside of the SA forums are equally stressed out. For example, I saw this on Friday and literally had to laugh out loud.


In a forum for my kid's "Plan B" (Civilan, National University) , everyone is anxiously awaiting notification. Much like USCGA, while a periodic acceptance has trickled out, overall admissions has been deathly silent. So, on Friday when a student posted that he had received his acceptance at 7:30PM, everyone on the forum went nuts. (Just imagine if that happened here! Everyone was asking those all important questions of where and how?!) So, in an effort to see if perhaps they, too, would get a late night notification, one person asked for stats. "What kind of stats do you have? Just trying to see if mine are similar?" The member inquired.

There was silence for a bit. And, then, the accepted student posted his verified stats. (This college verifies).

~ 4.8 GPA / OOS / 36 ACT 36/36/36/36 1600 SAT 800/800 16 AP Classes. Class Rank 1. Captain of the Soccer Team. Eagle Scout. ~

There was Silence on the forum for long time. It was as if nobody knew quite what to say to that. And then, as if speaking for every other kid on the forum, another account finally responded to the post.

~Well, F*** it. I just quit ~

That reply received over 100 likes. :biglaugh: No idea who the kid is that replied or what his stats might be but I think, in only twelve words, he summed up the feeling for all EA students Nationwide who are anxiously awaiting for some news. Maybe it is just me, or maybe I am tired of the college application season, but I thought that reply was perfectly timed and hilarious.