Disclaimer, minimal academic qualification is meaningless to most. It only factors if you have a principal nomination or you are the child of a medal of honor winner. Everyone else, to be competitive, needs to exceed the minimums in just about every quality
USMA is vague on its definition of Academically qualified. I have not seen anything that shows minimum test scores, class rank, GPA, etc. However I have seen anecdotal evidence that the minimum academic qualification is not very onerous.
Some will disagree, but here is my rational. From the 2020 class profile,
22-32% of the class had SAT scores in the 500-600 range
2-7% had SAT scores in the 400-500 range
9% were in the third fifth of their class (middle)
2% fourth fifth of their class
My guess, to be minimally qualified, you would need sat scores for math, reading and writing each would need to be in the five hundreds and you need to be ranked in the middle of the class.