For those parents that are considering paying for a tutoring service I have some advice. First of all, I did not hire a tutoring service for my older DS (USMA Plebe Class of 2023), but I definitely considered it, and I do not think it is a bad idea, there are just too many people who’ve had success with tutoring services for me to be critical in light of the results. That being said, there is a significantly less expensive way to achieve the same or similar results. The last I checked there are six ACT practice tests and ten SAT practice tests available in PDF format for free download that can be printed and used for practice. These are actual SAT/ACT tests that were used and then retired for practice use.
Here is the method I used for my older DS (and am now using for my younger DS):
- Study test taking tips & techniques from numerous, FREE online resources (youtube,,,, etc.)
- Print a copy of a retired SAT/ACT test and proctor the test to your DS/DD at a quiet location (Library or Church) using the exact same timing as the real test, and the tips & techniques they’ve learned. This will cost some money for reams of paper and printer ink. TIP: Have your DS/DD mark every question they are less-than-sure about while taking the test, then have them review those questions, even if they got them right, along with the questions they got wrong. If they’re unsure about a question, then that could be an area that needs strengthening even if they semi-guessed the right answer.
- Buy a few books from (Princeton Review, Barron’s, Panda), The OFFICIAL SAT & ACT test books are essential. You can usually find used books on that are not marked up, and/or you can buy an older edition as they haven’t changed the format in years, so the older books are no less useful than the current ones.
When all is said & done you could achieve remarkable results using this method. It will require a great deal more of your time (plan on 4+ hours for every practice test), but it could save you thousands of dollars.
Youtube is a
GOLD DIAMOND mine of knowledge and information. Brilliant people love to share their knowledge, and they love to do it for FREE on Youtube.
They say that the proof is in the pudding…….well here’s the pudding:
SAT Date Composite EBRW Math Essay
October 7th, 2017 1320 660 660 2-2-3
December 2nd, 2017 1360 710 650 2-3-4
March 10th, 2018
1490 720
770 4-4-5
August 25th, 2018 1460
730 730
ACT Date Composite Math Science English Reading Essay
October 2017 27 28 28 21 31 6
December 2017 31 27 27 35 33 5
February 2018
33 32 29
35 36 6
July 2018
33 29
33 35 36 7
SAT Super-Score:
1500 (730 + 770)
ACT Super-Score:
34 (32 / 33 / 35 / 36)
Please don’t misunderstand, I’m not saying that hiring a tutoring service isn’t worth it. Some folks have more money than time and vice/versa. But for those of us that do not have a budget that can accommodate such an expense, and you have the time, energy and will to see this through, then this may be a viable option for you.