Adding information for the MOC interview


5-Year Member
Nov 22, 2013
My DS has his three MOC interviews coming up next week. Since sending in his packages, he has been informed that he was a Commended Student by the National Merit Scholarship Program, and he also won a distinguished football award at his school. My question is: should he find some way to give this information to the interview committee? He doesn't want to come across as narcissistic, but lots of people have said you have to "sell yourself." Any suggestions? He was told by at least one MOC that he didn't need to bring any documentation, as the committee already had his completed package.
I know that one of DS's questions was to tell about himself with the instructions "Keep in mind we have all of your information in front of us". I am thinking that if asked that type of question, your DS could bring it up then.
Since it's so close to the interviews and the board members already have his application, I would suggest he bring copies of the Commended Scholar and special football award with him to the interview. He can mention the honors, then leave copies with the Board members.

My DS got his October ACT results right before his last interview, contacted the MOC's office and was told they would add it to his application. But he took a hard copy with him to the interview anyway, and they asked him for it. It was a near perfect score, so he definitely wanted this Board to see it.

It doesn't hurt for your DS to take the documents he submitted with him. He can look over his essay ahead of time, or refresh his memory about his accomplishments/test scores. I imagine many candidates might forget some important things if they are at all nervous. (I know I would!)
Bring It

My D got an LOE right before the MOC interview. She brought it up as she described herself and her goals. She is a middle of the road tester, but excelled in class rank/GPA and leadership. She got the NOM.
I would print out copies of both and bring them. My MOC told me to bring anything that changed that would improve my file to the interview. The interview board added it to my file on the spot, so it does help improve your overall file.