AFROTC Chances


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Feb 1, 2009
I am curious to see how I compare to some of the people who have already recieved scholarships for AFROTC. I've completed my packet and interview but have not gotten any information from the board. So to see how I compare could some of the cadets who recieved the Scholarship post their GPA, SAT/ACT, Class Rank, and Extra- Curriculars? I'll Start by doing mine.

GPA- 3.3864
ACT- 29
Rank- 124/426

AJROTC- 4 years
-held PLT LDR Position
-Held BTN Adjutant and S-1 position
-Drill Team Commander 2 years

No Sports but participated on JROTC athlectic Teams
-Raiders (Adventure Training Team/ PT Team) 4 years
-Orienteering 4 years

Other JROTC Teams
-Drill Team 4 years
-Color Gaurd 3 years

Band- 2 years
-Marching and concert band
-Held section leader position

-AP Chemistry, Geometry, and Precalculus
-Honors English(4 years), Biology, Latin(2 years), and Algebra (2 years)

Thank you in advance to anyone who posts!:thumb:
You and I should be able to find out online this week (a board met last week).
I'm waiting for the results from last week too. Good luck to both of you!