M mrg5211 New Member Joined Jun 19, 2017 Messages 1 Jun 19, 2017 #1 At the beginning of the upcoming fall semester I'll be a junior POC, contracted with LEAD complete. Will I receive a monthly stipend, or is that only on scholarship? Also, am I still able to compete for AFROTC tuition scholarships?
At the beginning of the upcoming fall semester I'll be a junior POC, contracted with LEAD complete. Will I receive a monthly stipend, or is that only on scholarship? Also, am I still able to compete for AFROTC tuition scholarships?
Wingman789 AS300 - AFROTC 5-Year Member Joined Sep 14, 2015 Messages 41 Jun 26, 2017 #2 Your stipend should activate in September at $450/month
Wingman789 AS300 - AFROTC 5-Year Member Joined Sep 14, 2015 Messages 41 Jun 26, 2017 #3 And usually no for scholarships unless it's a special board like the 2 year Missileer scholarship they had a few years back
And usually no for scholarships unless it's a special board like the 2 year Missileer scholarship they had a few years back