AFROTC Summer Training


5-Year Member
Mar 6, 2011
I am a junior in HS interested in AFROTC and AFA. I have been lurking for a while. I have been reading about some of the summer training opportunities for Army ROTC and some of what the AFA cadets get to do (flying gliders, parachuting, UAV). Do AFROTC cadets get to participate in these, too? If they do, is it every summer? Can you do it during breaks? Is it competitive, or does everyone do it? Is it required? Right now I don't have too much of a preference of AFA or AFROTC. I am just looking at what is available. Thanks for any information that you can tell me.
aglages is right , although I do believe that 100's can participate during their 1st summer. But yes PDTs have been shut down for this FY due to budget issues. Hopefully the next few summers will offer better prospects.
On the AFROTC website where it listed the summer activities and I read that Operation Air Force is mandatory for four year type 1 and 2 scholarship recipients during the first summer break. Is that still true with all the budget cuts and stuff?
We were told that all PDTs were shut down so I would assume that this would be included. Additionally I have not heard any 1 or 2 cadets mention this. However, I am not contracted so don't put too much in what I say.
Thank you all for the information. I will continue to read the forum and learn as much as I can.
With the exception of a special STO PDT for AS 200s who have gone to field training and Field Training itself, no summer programs are available for 2011 for AFROTC Cadets. From what I have been told by my cadre, Operation Air Force will still be used for AFA Cadets, but not for AFROTC. Last year was the last year for Operation Air Force for AFROTC until the budget gets fixed.
What I meant was, until the funding levels are increased, there will not be money for these summer programs. As I'm sure many of my fellow cadets have noticed, funding for almost everything is tight. And with the EAs just having come out, something like 1,600 fully qualified AS 200s did not get slots. When funding increases, PDTs will return.
Unless (until) the AF is involved in another war, I wouldn't expect funding to increase.

The problem as I understated it currently with AFROTC is that there are more cadets in the "pipeline" for commissioning than the projected needs of the AF. One of the solutions to reduce that surplus is to reduce FT. If the AF needed those 1600 cadets that weren't given FT slots they would have "found" the funding.
Correct. With the Air Force given its mandate to downsize, they cannot take everyone, and with the economy the way it is, the "pipeline" is larger. If the economy improves, I think we'll see a much higher acceptance rate because of a lower application rate.