AIM recommendation letter question


Jan 21, 2022
I had applied to AIM about a week ago and on the application it had asked for a recommendation letter that was mandatory in order to be considered for the 2022 AIM program. I had talked to my teacher about the recommendation letter and promised she would write me one, however, due to very extraneous circumstances she was not able to write the letter before the deadline. However, today (way after the deadline) she told me she was able to submit the letter. Does this mean I'm still a potential candidate for AIM?
The best person to answer this would be the AIM coordinator at USCGA. I recommend an email and/or phone call. Hope it works out for you.
I'd email admissions and ask if you are able to. I would say no since it's a very long time after the deadline and you did not give any warning but anything can happen with a phone call!
I had this exact situation happen to me last year. My recommender submitted their letter way after the deadline, I think about 1 week after it. One of the AIM coordinators, LTJG Emily Torsney, was very understanding of my circumstances and I was still selected to attend and complete AIM. Hopefully, the AIM coordinators are able to be understanding of your circumstances and they select you. If selected you got this!!!

Also, give them a call like what almondqqq said above. It won't hurt at all.
In some of the emails reminding about the deadline for AIM, admissions mentions that as long as you have whoever is recommending you and their info entered and the rest of the application done go ahead and submit it. I think that means that as long as a recommendation letter is on its way you are fine, that is how I read it at least. I also did not have my letter submitted on time because my counselor only takes appointments to talk with him and he needed an in-person meeting first.