AIM - Rolling admission?


10-Year Member
Apr 30, 2011
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone could give any input on the subject of admission into AIM. I was wondering if applicants were screened and accepted as they applied, or if all applications were collected and then screened at a later date, after the application was closed?

The Naval Academy has already accepted students for their Summer Seminar, and the application isn't closed yet; however, the Air Force Academy made it clear that they would not accept anybody before applications were closed.

Do you think the Coast Guard Academy will wait for all of the applicants to apply before beginning to accept people?
Last year CGA let everyone know on the same date in May. It's not rolling admissions.
When my son applied two years ago, all the acceptances were published on May 5 th on Bear's Den. It was not rolling admissions