Air Force Mustache Regs and the art of pressing the standards

I do know they have Mustache March and they grow them pretty large. If anyone has seen Bob's Burger, my son looks like Bob when he grows hisbob.png
All animals are equal, but triple ace animals are more equal than the other animals. ;)
- Was gonna say, Robin Olds could pretty much do as he wanted...

On the other hand, junior officers are wise to follow their leaders-- my first TACCO/MC cautioned me to look around the squadron and notice that none of the CO, XO or Department heads had 'stache when I started to grow one on my first deployment.

You can always tell the new Ensign/2nd LT in Pensacola with the sparse, barely there mustache. More often than not it was a USNA grad, as the ROTC /OCS guys got that out of their system in college.