Hello all,
I am Brian. I am a career Army Officer who's oldest Son is applying to USMA, and VMI as well as competing for the Army and Navy - USMC Option 4 year ROTC scholarships.
My son was accepted to VMI (offered an appointment in their terms), and remains competitive for West Point. He has an Presidential Appointment and is waiting on the decisions for his Congressional Appointment applications. The last admission action for his USMA application is submitting his Fall term grades and completing his birth abroad paper work through the State Department. (The original State Department papers were not accepted by USMA, but are good enough for everything else too include his passport. Frustrating administrate BS)
So far my Son (Sean) has completed the Army and USMC ROTC Scholarship process and interviews and is awaiting the results and hopefully scholarship offers.
Sean completed the Army ROTC interview and application process on 2 November. Yesterday (13 Nov 07), he completed the USMC application process.
The cadre for both ROTC interviews said that Sean was very competitive for the scholarships. The Army Captain opined that Sean would receive a scholarship but was uncertain as to when it would be offered.
Since the Army scholarships offers are decentralized, we are waiting on schools offers.
The USMC cadre were also optimistic after his interview and stated that their detachment expects to receive 3 scholarships allotted from National board in late February. Based on last years board applicants and results, Sean would have been near the top of the merit list and would have been offered a scholarship. Will that happen this year? We certainly hope so.
What we don't know about yet, is when the deadlines are for accepting or rejecting Scholarship offers (if received), so we can make a comparative decision and not miss out on a opportunity.
Does anyone know when the accept or reject deadline is for the Army four year ROTC Scholarship? Same question for the Navy - USMC Option 4 year ROTC scholarship?
We hope to have the opportunity to weigh among the options of USMA, or the VMI and either the Army or USMC Scholarships.
Thanks in advance for the forum members comments and information.
I am Brian. I am a career Army Officer who's oldest Son is applying to USMA, and VMI as well as competing for the Army and Navy - USMC Option 4 year ROTC scholarships.
My son was accepted to VMI (offered an appointment in their terms), and remains competitive for West Point. He has an Presidential Appointment and is waiting on the decisions for his Congressional Appointment applications. The last admission action for his USMA application is submitting his Fall term grades and completing his birth abroad paper work through the State Department. (The original State Department papers were not accepted by USMA, but are good enough for everything else too include his passport. Frustrating administrate BS)
So far my Son (Sean) has completed the Army and USMC ROTC Scholarship process and interviews and is awaiting the results and hopefully scholarship offers.
Sean completed the Army ROTC interview and application process on 2 November. Yesterday (13 Nov 07), he completed the USMC application process.
The cadre for both ROTC interviews said that Sean was very competitive for the scholarships. The Army Captain opined that Sean would receive a scholarship but was uncertain as to when it would be offered.
Since the Army scholarships offers are decentralized, we are waiting on schools offers.
The USMC cadre were also optimistic after his interview and stated that their detachment expects to receive 3 scholarships allotted from National board in late February. Based on last years board applicants and results, Sean would have been near the top of the merit list and would have been offered a scholarship. Will that happen this year? We certainly hope so.
What we don't know about yet, is when the deadlines are for accepting or rejecting Scholarship offers (if received), so we can make a comparative decision and not miss out on a opportunity.
Does anyone know when the accept or reject deadline is for the Army four year ROTC Scholarship? Same question for the Navy - USMC Option 4 year ROTC scholarship?
We hope to have the opportunity to weigh among the options of USMA, or the VMI and either the Army or USMC Scholarships.
Thanks in advance for the forum members comments and information.