Another visit question


5-Year Member
Nov 22, 2013
For anyone who has done a daily or overnight visit with the cadets: when you went to class with them, did you just listen and take notes on the lecture? Participate? Do your own schoolwork?

From what I understand, the professors are more than willing to have participation from candidates. Be respectful and contribute or at least give the appearance of interest. Don't be doing homework from HS or checking things on the smart phone.
My understanding is that an overnight visit is to really gauge how interested you are in West Point yourself. Meaning, go and experience as much as possible while you are there, and try to get involved as much like a cadet as possible. Participate in classes, meals, etc. and see if you like ALL of it. Hope this helps!
When I did a daily visit I went to class with the cadet and the professors gave me textbooks so that I could follow along. I wasn't asked to participate though, and I felt like it might not be a good idea because I had no previous knowledge in the subject areas. (I think they were calc and psych). Definitely a good experience.
Visit experience

My kid showed up with the cadet he was shadowing at a class. They were having an open book quiz. My kid was handed a book, handed the quiz, and instructed to take it. He got a 3 out of 5. He was then stood up in front of the class, and the class was then essentially told: "This candidate showed up cold and got a 3. If any of the rest of you got a 3 or less, you are a LOSER!

Yes, they are about coddling and not singling people out at WP. He's doing very well up there now. :eek: