Answering Essay Question about Most Influential Person in My Life

May 29, 2021
What would be a good angle to tackle this essay question: "Please describe the most influential person in your life include who they are, what they mean to you, and why they are the most influential person."

I find this one difficult to answer as to me the people who have influenced me in my life, I don't really see them as having more influence over the other and more of a collective. It's just very difficult to pick out the one person who has had the most influence in my life.
You could open with the "Collective influence" aspect and bridge to an "influential person" in your life. Then describe some key aspects that they provided you. Perhaps write about how you use those aspects today and will in the future. You should be able to connect these attributes to those necessary for an "effective" Officer (leader)...if you can relate the aspects to personal issues you confronted...all the better.