Any future with a medical DQ?


5-Year Member
Nov 17, 2010
I had a conditional appointment to the USMMA. I just found out that my waivers for ADHD (apparently my 4.9 GPA and 2150 on the SAT doesn’t make up for this “academic skills defect”) and for Hyperthyroidism (controlled, unmedicated, and symptomless) have both been denied. Sorry, I’m a little bitter but certainly not disheartened.

Once denied, can I try again for a waiver? Mr. Mullen says no, but I seem to know a hell of a lot of people who have gotten where they are in a less than traditional manner.

O.K. Let’s assume no. Can I still go to college for four years, get a Mechanical Engineering degree, and go into the Navy as an officer that way? Or, is that it, my dreams of being a Naval Officer are done?

Any input, optimistic or not are appreciated. Thanks
Probably not if Mr. Mullen says no. He knows all the ins and outs. Our daughter was in a (similar) situation. She is now thriving on another career path :)
What I told you privately was correct for THIS year, which was the inference of your question. You can always try again and yes you can always try and enter the Navy 4 years from now:thumb:
Thanks guys. I'm glad those options are still open for me, Mr. Mullen.
For what it's worth, I am currently having my file re-reviewed after being denied a waiver for USMA, albeit with some new information, so you can always keep trying. The other good option would be to go to college for a year and thrive academically and in ROTC to show your commitment and abilities, then re-apply. Good luck!