Any other females struggling with the pull ups?


5-Year Member
Sep 12, 2016
Any advice? What happens if you do well on every other section I the CFA but not on the pull ups?
Did your DD do the flex arm hang or try to do pull ups?

One pull up is better than a MAX score on the arm hang.

There is still time to improve the pull up score to do this in 30 to 60 days. If you search CFA on this forum you will find a number of regimens for improving the pull up score.

For starters, buy a $20 pull up bar and install it in your home in a prominent area. Every time, DD passes it she must attempt a pull up. My DS went from 7 in his junior year to 18 his senior year by doing this.

Here is a good link on the topic as well. (yes, I know it is from the Marine times).

Here is a good doorway pull up bar:
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+1 @Civic 29 on the negative pull up strategy.

Here is what a negative pull up looks like:
A failing score on any one section means a failed CFA. If you have the athleticism to do well on the other sections, consistent practice at pull-ups will produce enough improvement to pass pull-ups. The negative pull-up exercise is a great way to start.

As stated above, women have the option of doing the flexed-arm hang instead of pull-ups.

Flexed-Arm Hang (Females)
The flexed-arm hang is an alternative measure of muscular
strength and endurance for women who are unable to execute
one correct cadence pull-up. If a woman can successfully perform
one correct cadence pull-up, it is to her advantage on the scoring
scale to take the cadence pull-up test. The scale score (0-100) for
one cadence pull-up is higher than any length of flexed-arm hang.
No kidding! Currently 12 second flex arm hang and half of one pull up. Better off finishing the one pull up.
Thanks for all of the feed back!
For starters, buy a $20 pull up bar and install it in your home in a prominent area. Every time, DD passes it she must attempt a pull up. My DS went from 7 in his junior year to 18 his senior year by doing this.

This. DD installed it in the doorway to her room and went from 0 to 3 in a very short period of time.
DD did 1 (barely) at SLE and is now up to 6. She installed pull-up bar and did them several times a day. She also found that doing lat pull downs at the gym strengthened the muscles she needed for pullups.
I was discouraged because I could only do 3 pull-ups. My dad said it was great and that girls aren't "supossed" to be able to do pull-ups, muscles are built different than boys. He got me a doorway pull-up bar anyway and now I can do 8. So it can be done!
I've been struggling with pull-ups for a while. I could always do them from a slightly flexed position but not from the dead hang. Due to a hip injury I started swimming recently and after a week of it I am now able to do a complete pull up. My guess is the swimming strengthened some of the muscles essential to shifting my shoulder blades properly. Before swimming I was doing negatives and lots of push ups as well. Great feeling when you finally get it!