Anyone know a good workout routine to prepare for plebe summer?

A different thought for anyone weak in swimming. This was the hardest part of the whole academy experience for my son. He says in retrospect he wished he had not tried so hard to pass the basic test at entrance, then they would have put him into a remedial Swimming class, and he would have gotten extra help.

Don't take my word on how this works, I would not want you to get into trouble because I did not understand the process, but might be worth looking into.
That is not a bad thought. If you do not know how to swim, are scared of the water or legitimately can barely swim, it is not a bad idea to take some swim classes. Find an instructor to work with that can teach basic strokes and get you comfortable in the water. I was not a swimmer by any means, but could get in the pool and pass the tests with a solid B average without any practice. I knew others who never learned to swim or were terrified of the water. If you can develop a decent stroke and swim a few laps without thinking the world is ending, tread water for a few minutes and be comfortable enough to not freak out that you are drowning you will be fine and develop upon that at USNA.