Are SOEs the same as LORs?


Sep 26, 2021
My RC said an applicant can submit 3 additional LORs with the 4 required SOEs. That sounds like SOEs are different from letters of recommendation. Could someone tell me what SOEs actually are and how they work, as they don't seem like simple LORs. Thank you.
School Official Evaluations are mandatory online 'evaluations' completed by four of your teachers: math, English, PE, and (Physical) Science. You place the teachers' names and email address in your USMA (and other SAs) application. In contrast, an LOR is truly a letter sent as a hard copy or a file (like a PDF) to admissions at USMA. USNA and USAFA use optional recommendations that are submitted differently. You will also need LORs (typically) for your nominations. I recommend that my students start to collect them from their junior-year teachers and others in the Spring. I hope that helps!
SOEs are essentially a questionnaire/survey type form a teacher will fill out regarding you as a student/person in various aspects. A letter of recommendation is a letter as you already understand it.