"Asthma/reactive airway disease/exercise induced bronchospasm" Waiver chances

Just to add further progress on this, we have received the MCT and pulmonologist request from DODMERB today.
My DD's asthma waivers were denied by USNA (conditional USNA prep school offer) and USMMA (recruited athlete) last year. She failed the MCT at 20.1%. MCT was done by a DoDMERB-approved provider who also provided a letter stating that she saw no reason why DD couldn't serve. DD later received an AROTC scholarship which is also on hold because that medical waiver was ultimately denied. Her cadre is amazing and encouraged her to submit an appeal and get a Pulmonary Function Test, which she recently had, and a letter from the pulmonologist stating that there's no reason she can't serve. Honestly, I would absolutely recommend getting the Pulmonary Function Test done in addition to the MCT - even if you have to pay for the PFT out of pocket - I wish we had thought of it last year! Wishing your DS the best!
My DD's asthma waivers were denied by USNA (conditional USNA prep school offer) and USMMA (recruited athlete) last year. She failed the MCT at 20.1%. MCT was done by a DoDMERB-approved provider who also provided a letter stating that she saw no reason why DD couldn't serve. DD later received an AROTC scholarship which is also on hold because that medical waiver was ultimately denied. Her cadre is amazing and encouraged her to submit an appeal and get a Pulmonary Function Test, which she recently had, and a letter from the pulmonologist stating that there's no reason she can't serve. Honestly, I would absolutely recommend getting the Pulmonary Function Test done in addition to the MCT - even if you have to pay for the PFT out of pocket - I wish we had thought of it last year! Wishing your DS the best!
Did she get the waiver after the "Pulmonary Function Test" or it is still pending?
How long does it usually take to hear back from the Academies after they receive your test results?
Is the email regarding regarding her file from the USCGA? My DD has been under waiver for the same DQ since late November and hasn't heard a peep since then. She received her appointment over Thanksgiving and is extremely stressed out. She has reached out several times and has gotten no information on her status.
Well today didn't go as planed. DS took the MCT this morning and the guy doing the test said he did amazing until the last test. The guy said he had 26% reduction on the last test. DS is an athlete and never takes his inhaler so we were hopeful he would be under the dreaded 20%. We are going to send the MCT and letters from his allergist in and pray for a miracle. Glad we have a plan B but this one hurt.
Well today didn't go as planed. DS took the MCT this morning and the guy doing the test said he did amazing until the last test. The guy said he had 26% reduction on the last test. DS is an athlete and never takes his inhaler so we were hopeful he would be under the dreaded 20%. We are going to send the MCT and letters from his allergist in and pray for a miracle. Glad we have a plan B but this one hurt.
Sorry to hear that, keep the hope alive, you never know.