Awareness - Current USCGA Operations

This is the correct answer here. A professional in the armed services of their nation shouldn't be complaining to the general public. Yes, it's a right of passage to complain in the military, it's just one of the things we do. But we circle up and do it to each other. Yes, this is a forum where a lot of people share in a similar experience and not, like, the press, or something, but I'm honestly not sure if that's better or worse. I'm actually just at a loss for words right now.

@KaydetOfFuturePast Did you really make an account to tell everyone on this forum how "awesome" it is that we're "one of the most cynical, depressed, complainy" groups? Nobody expects that we're always perfect, and I think every reasonable person on here know that there's complaints and that we don't always love being at the Academy all the time. I was at a regular college before here, and I miss it all the time, and I write about it relatively frequently here. But you know what they're doing right now? Paying 50k this year to basically watch YouTube videos so that at the end of it they can get a piece of paper.

At least we're with our friends. We have a gym to work out in, which is better than a lot have right now. We aren't restricted to ship for entire months long patrols like some of our shipmates out in the fleet are. Even as college students, we're not struggling for money for the most part thanks to our paychecks, and we certainly aren't wondering where we'll get our next hot meal or warm bed like a lot of the people we serve are today as a result of COVID. Try to find some positives.

It's also not a good practice to get into. You start this crap at a unit, you'll bring your whole division/wardroom/ship/whatever else down with you. When times get hard, your non-rates will look to you and their Chiefs for the example on what to think. Positivity spreads and it can be infectious. So next time you hear a bunch of people complaining or whatever else, try being a leader. Acknowledge that life is difficult right now, but try to appreciate what's good about it.

But you know what? Even if it IS the worst thing in the world, don't get on the internet and complain to thousands of strangers about how terrible your life is. It doesn't look good, and it serves no purpose except to lower the public's faith in the Coast Guard. Can't believe I have to say this.
Fantastic post. And exactly my point. It’s normal to complain. It actually serves a purpose! But do it where it’s appropriate. Usually with your peers. It’s a leadership/maturity thing. A necessary life skill.
Sorry to burst some people's bubble, but no one on this site cares about any of this. This site is primarily for applicant to ask questions to learn more about the academy. I don't think this thread filled with bickering is going to help anyone. Everyone can get off their soapbox and focus on something more productive. Ekb, you're pretty spot on, didn't mean to open this whole can of worms, but oh well. Hope everyone still has a good day!
Sorry to burst some people's bubble, but no one on this site cares about any of this. This site is primarily for applicant to ask questions to learn more about the academy. I don't think this thread filled with bickering is going to help anyone. Everyone can get off their soapbox and focus on something more productive. Ekb, you're pretty spot on, didn't mean to open this whole can of worms, but oh well. Hope everyone still has a good day!

This is incomprehensible as far as exactly what you are trying to convey.