"Backup" schools


May 6, 2023
My son accepted an appointment to the academy's class of 2029. I'm just wondering what you have done for "backup" schools, in the case that something happens before they get to the academy or are recycled for what ever reason. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!
My son accepted an appointment to the academy's class of 2029. I'm just wondering what you have done for "backup" schools, in the case that something happens before they get to the academy or are recycled for what ever reason. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!
It is typically about $300-500 deposit to secure a spot at State U (or wherever). Some have reported negotiating it back for SA, but I would look at it as a fairly low cost insurance plan. Of course you can sign up for some universities and most community colleges just a few weeks before the fall semester starts and not worry about paying a deposit at all.
Paid the deposit to the school with the best ROTC option and then early-summer he (we) requested and received a year deferment (gap year) from the school. Not all schools will allow that for academy kids, but a few of the best state schools did. That provided plenty of alternatives in the back pocket, incase of injuries and other plans.
I small suggestion as this comes up every year. Use the search capability Plan B or Back up schools. Lots of opinions and thoughts that could help.
Paid the deposit to the school with the best ROTC option and then early-summer he (we) requested and received a year deferment (gap year) from the school. Not all schools will allow that for academy kids, but a few of the best state schools did. That provided plenty of alternatives in the back pocket, incase of injuries and other plans.
Gap year sounds a good option. We might try that! Thank you!
It depends on the school. Best option is to have open and honest conversations with them about your intentions. Some schools are pretty strict on the May 1 national commit date, some won't give back deposit before or after that
I will add that Plan B school was Plan A- until USNA medical waiver finally came through in May. DS talked to their admissions and they gave him an extension to enroll until end of May. Luckily it wasn't needed. But, some/many schools will work with you in those types of cases.
Be sure to read the fine print when putting down any deposit. There was a horror story 5-10 years ago from a parent who made a deposit and either he or his kid ended up being on the hook for an entire year's tuition -- at the time tens of thousands of dollars. I no longer recall the details, but do recall it was a really miserable situation.
Be sure to read the fine print when putting down any deposit. There was a horror story 5-10 years ago from a parent who made a deposit and either he or his kid ended up being on the hook for an entire year's tuition -- at the time tens of thousands of dollars. I no longer recall the details, but do recall it was a really miserable situation.
It was Me. Not a Service Academy issue, my daughter was accepted by two schools and we put deposits down on both. She decided between them and (she said) notified the school that she was not going to attend. We assumed that the deposit was forfeited and she went to her Plan A. Bills from Plan B came and ended up hounding her and then wrecking her credit rating for much of the following decade.
Edited to add: They attempted to bag her for Tuition plus room and meal plan for the entire year. For the record, it was a VERY well known university that is one of the largest in the nation.
My son accepted an appointment to the academy's class of 2029. I'm just wondering what you have done for "backup" schools, in the case that something happens before they get to the academy or are recycled for what ever reason. Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!
DS had NROTC scholarship for Rutgers, as the backup for his USNA appointment. We paid the $300 deposit for Rutgers (insurance policy) not expecting a refund. DS had great conversation with NROTC leadership at Rutgers and they scheduled him for a late summer NSI cycle 3 so if he were turned away from USNA due to injury before I-Day he would have his Rutgers NROTC parachute. The Monday after we dropped DS off at Annapolis, we called Rutgers & emailed his NROTC advisor. Both could not have been nicer.
It was Me. Not a Service Academy issue, my daughter was accepted by two schools and we put deposits down on both. She decided between them and (she said) notified the school that she was not going to attend. We assumed that the deposit was forfeited and she went to her Plan A. Bills from Plan B came and ended up hounding her and then wrecking her credit rating for much of the following decade.
Edited to add: They attempted to bag her for Tuition plus room and meal plan for the entire year. For the record, it was a VERY well known university that is one of the largest in the nation.
I would love to know where! I mean that’s the kind of boycott that you pass down to multiple generations!