Bad news or what? Where do I stand?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Oct 31, 2008
O.k, so I applied to USNA and i have kept updating my file with differant stuff.
I asked about getting a CVW invite, and here is the email i got back:


These weekends are by invitation only and are very very competitive to get. As a result I won’t be able offer you a CVW at this time. Official correspondence regarding the admissions board results are a separate issue and will be sent to you no later than April 15h

To me, this seems a bit like a close out. I have no sports (Devastating), and no calculus (Just as devastating). My SAT's are average for those who get excepted. However, I do have 3 noms from MOC, and I live in WV, which is not too competitive. I do run an afterschool academic program, Judge school fairs, and I have over 130 hours of volunteer work. Unfortunately, I am homeschooled, and while I am not anti homeschool, it has been a great hinderance in my case. Do I still stand a chance? Also, if I don't get in this year, what should I do to become more competitive for next year? (What college classes, leadership roles, etc). Thanks for taking the time to read this, i always have such long posts! Thanks for any input.
It sounds like you already have a good grip on what you need to add to be more competitve.

Take Math classes. If you are too late into your senior year in high school, take them at a junior college. Get your SAT's up. Take and retake.

Get involved in Sports. Junior colloge and City Teams are an option if high school is too late.
I have no sports (Devastating), and no calculus (Just as devastating). My SAT's are average for those who get excepted. However, I do have 3 noms from MOC, and I live in WV, which is not too competitive. I do run an afterschool academic program, Judge school fairs, and I have over 130 hours of volunteer work. Unfortunately, I am homeschooled, and while I am not anti homeschool, it has been a great hinderance in my case. Do I still stand a chance? Also, if I don't get in this year, what should I do to become more competitive for next year? (What college classes, leadership roles, etc). Thanks for taking the time to read this, i always have such long posts! Thanks for any input.

As mentioned above, you already know what to do. The Admissions board uses your school transcript and the SATs/ACTs to predict your ability to succeed in a rough academic environment. With limited transcript info and average (your term) SATs, you should demonstrate your ability to do Plebe Academics. Getting As and Bs in Calculus, Chem w/lab, History and English Comp should be in your immediate futire, so that they are on your transcript by Dec '09.

It will be difficult to substitute the value of team sports, however your CFA can help somewhat.

Your leadership roles also seem okay. As always, keep doing those things that you do well. The academy values longevity and perseverance, since the academy experience is a four-year marathon.

Keep at it.

I was wondering if anyone might know the answer to this question, or if from past years can guess where things might stand with admissions.

If a candidate is triple q'd with a nomination and still waiting (no word of an appointment) is it likely that the candidate is in the national pool at this point and out of contention for the spot from their nominating source?

The waiting is getting unbearable.
Ethan, were you notified you were Triple Q'd by your BGO? Also, what type of nomination did you receive?

MPKN, your appointment may depend on the type of nomination you received?

Thank you for the reply. The nomination is from our congressman.

Based on last years stats if you are 3Q'ed you have a 75% chance of getting the YES. Those are OK odds, but does not make the waiting any easier.
Re: Parkhurst89

I am Medically qualified and I have 3 noms, (four actually but one is to USAFA), 2 from my Senators and one from my Congresswoman. I think all three noms are on a competitive basis. However, I have yet to hear if I am academically Qu'ed.
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A suggestion for Ethan

O.k, so I applied to USNA and i have kept updating my file with differant stuff.
I asked about getting a CVW invite, and here is the email i got back:


These weekends are by invitation only and are very very competitive to get. As a result I won’t be able offer you a CVW at this time. Official correspondence regarding the admissions board results are a separate issue and will be sent to you no later than April 15h

To me, this seems a bit like a close out. I have no sports (Devastating), and no calculus (Just as devastating). My SAT's are average for those who get excepted. However, I do have 3 noms from MOC, and I live in WV, which is not too competitive. I do run an afterschool academic program, Judge school fairs, and I have over 130 hours of volunteer work. Unfortunately, I am homeschooled, and while I am not anti homeschool, it has been a great hinderance in my case. Do I still stand a chance? Also, if I don't get in this year, what should I do to become more competitive for next year? (What college classes, leadership roles, etc). Thanks for taking the time to read this, i always have such long posts! Thanks for any input.

Hi Ethan,

I have a suggestion for you. Maybe you should try speaking to your Regional Director at the Academy and suggesting to them that you would be HAPPY (emphasis on HAPPY) and are prepared to work really hard to take a slot at NAPS-USNA's prep school. It's important for them to KNOW that you are interested in going to the prep school AND working really hard to overcome any academic and physical situations you may have. I pray this helps you get a positive answer!! Best wishes.

Well first off, I would like to thank everyone for all of the supportive comments. Unfortionately for me, the journey is over. I got the official "We regret to inform you....." letter today. Although I am hugely dissapointed (Duh), I realize that I can apply to 2014 next year. On to a community college for me, lol. (I will definately enjoy college, no matter where I go).
Once again, thanks, and best wishes to those still in the running. :smile:
Have you considered other options like Naval ROTC? What would your goal be in the Navy? What would you like to do? Surface , Subs, Air? Lot's of opportunities if you want them and work for it. The academy is just one way to earn a commision. Even if you don't get accepted, you don't have to abandon your desire to be a naval officer, if that's what you really desire.
Ethan! All the best to you! Did you apply for NROTC this year? If not, when you re-apply to USNA next year, you should do that also.
Meanwhile, in college this year, concentrate on math and science and getting awesome grades in that. Also, continue to do community service, a community/club sport won't hurt. Also if you are a boy scout, signing up as a junior leader and working with your local troop would be good also. Just a few ideas. Meanwhile, keep us posted on your progress in the next few months!!!
I am sorry it did not work out for you this year, but keep the faith. I have read that they academy tends to reward dedication also...
Hey Ethan don't worry re-apply next year, we can be 2014! I talked to my director about 2014 already he said I should take Calc, Chem, and Physics next year along with ROTC courses if available. I would suggest the same for you, and i dont think SATs will be much of a problem if you are in college. Here's for the best!:beer1: