Black Armband


5-Year Member
Sep 12, 2013
Just saw a pic of my DD during CGAS PFE's and noticed she was wearing a black armband/wristband.

I assume this means limited to no participation due to some sort of illness or injury. Can anyone confirm my assumption and elaborate on the likely severity?

Your assumption would be correct. Different colored wristbands are used to determine the extent of injury status:

Red- No upperbody exercise
Blue- No lowerbody exercise
Black- No exercise at all

Does this mean your daughter has a serious injury? Not likely, it could be that she has caught a bad case of the Chase Hall crud and they don't want her heart rate spiking or to have trouble breathing because she's sick. Black wristbands usually last a couple days at the most, the clinic staff want your daughter off of it as much as she does because they know how important the training is.

Don't worry, the cadre will make sure she's taken care of! :thumb:
Thanks for the quick reply and explanation Trackandfield!