@hmc22 Depending on how low your PSAT scores are...you will have to watch--like in late July and August--when the portal opens for new applicants that you are invited as an applicant rather than shut out because of low SAT scores.
If I were you, I would send your new SAT scores to the academies to which you are applying. Low PSAT scores submitted for NASS, SLE or elsewhere can result in you not having a portal that opens automatically. For example USNA will send a letter saying that you are not competitive enough to open the application (saving your time and effort) and USMA will post a letter to your home page entitled "noncommital" and not open the full application portal--you then have to prove to the academies that you are worthy of entering into the application process by sending your 6 semester transcript and/or SAT scores.
For the 4.0 kids with 1400+ test scores and their parents and advisers, this will seem like something that does not happen...they will say, "Applying to the summer program does not include any risk"--but it does if you are applying with low PSAT scores and a lower than 3.5 GPA.
Let me finish by stating that Mr. Low GPA/Low PSAT scores worked his tail off and has been winning academic awards, riding the honor role for seven quarters and the straight A honor roll all senior year, and after a round of SAT Prep kicked it into high gear on the SATs, and has accepted an appointment to the Air Force Academy for the class of 2021. So, the take away lesson is: SEND YOUR SCORES and work to improve everything. If you are a junior, it is not too late. Have courage and dig in.
And are you a Scout? Finish your Eagle or Gold Star.
Practice a lot for your CFT.