CFA pull ups video error


Nov 20, 2019
So, this is a little awkward, but my administrator of my cfa did not say the cadence ‘up’ for each of my pull ups, but he did however count off when I got to the top. Instead of saying up he would nod for my next rep. My pull ups are recorded and everything else is fine, but because of this error should I be worried? He already submitted the scores, but not the video. Should I submit the video, and in the comments include that he did not sound off with the cadence ‘up’? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Because the deadline is right around the corner, I would personally submit that video ASAP. Hopefully it will be accepted, but if it is not they will just tell you to re-record it... which hopefully you'll have enough time to do.
West Point reviews the video and makes their own decisions on CFA pull-up and push-u scoring. It really doesn’t matter what the CFA administrator says, except to guide the candidate. This is the whole point of the video, WP might give you an additional pull-up that the administrator didn’t count but the reverse is more likely I would think. Submit the video ASAP
My administrator didn’t sound off in my videos either, but I still passed. Submit it.
If you are concerned, ask your admissions liaison officer what is the best solution here. Do not add any comments and let them tell you what is needed. You have to upload something by the deadline either way. They will certainly let you know if they want you to resubmit.