CFA Retake


5-Year Member
Oct 8, 2012
USMA authorized me to retake the CFA today.
Question is, does this mean that if I do well on the CFA, I have a high chance of acceptance? I just thought that if USMA let me retake the CFA, they saw something in my grades/test scores/EC's. So, while I don't want to say guaranteed acceptance, does this mean that I'm in a good place if I pass the CFA?
Retake of CFA

Glad to hear that you retook your CFA. Your improved score will make you more competitive since 10% of the Whole Candidate Score (a system that WP uses to rank competitiveness) is a result of your CFA performance. But remember if you improve in an area that is worth 10% there is not as much gain than if you were to improve in the 60% area such as academics. Keep is all in perspective. Good luck!