CFA scores


Jun 22, 2020
Hello All,

I have been reading this forum for last couple of months. I am a female, applying to USMA c/o 2025.

I am working on my CFA, have improved my scores drastically over last 7-8 months. I am about to hit avg on couple of events and continue to improve to meet average on all.

Has anyone here had any success with avg scores on all events? I know it’s looked cases but case basis and cannot be entirely applicable to my case. But just wondering !

I have high SAT, and a relatively well rounded EC. I am not asking about my chances, but just if someone has avg scores and got the appointment.
Hello All,

I have been reading this forum for last couple of months. I am a female, applying to USMA c/o 2025.

I am working on my CFA, have improved my scores drastically over last 7-8 months. I am about to hit avg on couple of events and continue to improve to meet average on all.

Has anyone here had any success with avg scores on all events? I know it’s looked cases but case basis and cannot be entirely applicable to my case. But just wondering !

I have high SAT, and a relatively well rounded EC. I am not asking about my chances, but just if someone has avg scores and got the appointment.
Are you doing pull-ups or flexed arm hang? Way more points for pull-ups.
I am going to do pull up.. I have read that 1 pull up is better than FAH..

my current scores ( from last mock CFA)
BB: 38
Pull-up:0 ( goal at least 1)
Pushups: 20 ( confident of reaching 33)
Crunches: 76 ( goal 85)
Shuttle run: 12 sec ( 10.5 sec)
Mile run: 9 min 20 sec ( goal about 8 min)

want to add that I have done XC junior varsity only. could have done varsity but for COVID situation.
The CFA is 10% of your application so if you pass overall, meet the minimums for each event, and have good videos, then the answer to your question is that it depends on the overall strength of your application. If you have strong academics, that is the most important factor by percentage, but your leadership is also important. Ultimately it will come down to not only the overall strength of your application, but also the competition within your nomination pool. All that being said, there are many candidates that have avg CFA scores that ultimately earn an offer of admission.
I don’t see the minimums anywhere, just the max and avg.

Academically: SAT ~ 1500, GPA 3.75 ( on 4 scale)

EC: couple of leadership positions at school and outside of school, NHS etc

I am going to do my best to hit at least avg on all, but I also want to draw a line where to stop. CFA is 10% and I want to make sure that I give due time and diligence to my plan B schools, my senior year course work.
Here were my scores (taken in mid-November so I’m looking back and cringing). I got appointed to 2024:
BB Throw: 27ft (I didn’t practice much. 99% sure this is the minimum. Don’t do what I did)
Flexed Arm Hang: 21sec (keep going for that pull up. The hang is easier but super humiliating, along with lowering your score)
Shuttle Run: 10.7 sec
Crunches: 90
Push ups: 36
Run: 8:31
Another tip: I don’t know where you’re from, but if you’re in a northern state like I am, DO NOT take it in the winter)
Good luck with getting into 2025!
Thanks for sharing your scores. I am from south, so I did have a few more months to practice. I want to get it done by Aug/sept end and submit my best possible application.
You will always find someone who was appointed with average or below average CFA scores. What you don’t know is what the rest of their application package looked like. Don’t settle for average, especially with this much time left to submit. Leave nothing to chance, and don’t take comfort just because you found the exception that proves the rule.

With all due respect, you have much work to do to go from your current state to average. It’s possible, of course, but you’ll need to devote yourself diligently for the next several months.

Also, once you’re done with the CFA, keep building up, especially running and upper-body strength. You don’t want to receive offer of appointment and show up in less shape than your CFA indicates. As someone said above, consistently lagging in fitness during plebe summer can be humiliating.
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Just to add one may want to try the basketball throw using the "grenade" method vs. the football method. (NOTE: I've never thrown a grenade).
You're not too far off from the average bb throw, but might be worth a try!
Looks like you’re in a place to keep improving and have identified the way forward so kudos. As a female officer, I would echo the work on your running and upper body strength. The closer you can get to the guy standards, the more credibility you’ll start off with the guys in your squad. Feel free to pm me if you have questions on exercises to work on if there’s an area you’d like to improve
You will always find someone who was appointed with average or below average CFA scores. What you don’t know is what the rest of their application package looked like. Don’t settle for average, especially with this much time left to submit. Leave nothing to chance, and don’t take comfort just because you found the exception that proves the rule.

With all due respect, you have much work to do to go from your current state to average. It’s possible, of course, but you’ll need to devote yourself diligently for the next several months.

Also, once you’re done with the CFA, keep building up, especially running and upper-body strength. You don’t want to receive offer of appointment and show up in less shape than your CFA indicates. As someone said above, consistently lagging in fitness during plebe summer can be humiliating.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I totally understand that there are so many areas considerations when evaluating the application. As stated above, my goal is to at least meet avg on all. Once I have met them, it’s a factor of how much effort and time do I need to devote to get those extra points in the event.
I'm late to this conversation, but these were my scores:

1-MILE RUN: 8.20

I took the CFA once at SLE and did not bother to take it again. My scores were very average except where I made up for it in the basketball throw and the shuttle run. I was a very strong candidate otherwise--I got an early LOA and was the ideal applicant in many ways (not said as a means to brag, very little transfers to the Academy).

In my opinion, and many here will disagree with me, the CFA is largely pass/fail. The minimums are not posted because they are not set in stone. You are much better off maximizing your application in other ways so long as you maintain a level of physical fitness through sports/personal workouts. Average scores on the CFA are completely fine. You may get an extra glance if you max every event, but it will not make or break you otherwise. An extra 30 points on your SAT will go further than on the CFA. It is weighted at 10% of your application for a reason.
An extra 30 points on your SAT will go further than on the CFA. It is weighted at 10% of your application for a reason.

I am not planning to take SAT again but just focus on meeting the CFA avg. Appreciate your thoughts. Would you mind if I send you a PM asking couple of questions?
Looks like the system is still not allowing me to PM even though I have done 5 posts. Will wait, no hurry here