CFA Scores

What should I be aiming for for each CFA event?
The average score for each event should not be your goal on the CFA. Strive to achieve at least above average in each event and max those that you may be naturally more talented in. If you pass the CFA you pass it, I don't believe there is an "oh you got a 70% and this kid got a 90%" policy but higher performance speak to your work ethic, physical competency, and the potentiality of your future leadership to set the standard physically.
I scored above average in all events except push-ups. Is push-ups in the mid 40’s bad?
The CFA is pass/fail in terms of determining whether or not you are physically qualified for admission. However, in response to what AmericanFKP12 said above, the CFA makes up 10% of your WCS. So, candidates that score higher on the CFA will be given more points for this section of their WCS. If there is one offer of appointment left, and it is down to you and one other candidate who are equal in every regard except your CFA, and you scored higher than them, then you will receive the offer. Thus, while it is necessary to pass the CFA in order to be fully qualified for admission, you should aim for the highest scores possible.
I scored above average in all events except push-ups. Is push-ups in the mid 40’s bad?
I excelled in all area especially the run, except for pushups. When I got in to West Point, I barely passed pushups. I recognized it as a weak point of my runner build and I maxed pushups before I was commissioned. You can make it a strength like I did over time.