CFA Videos


USMA 2028
Oct 9, 2022
I just took my cfa and I am fairly certain it will pass; however, the videos I took were not great. On the pull ups it’s a view from my back because I thought they would want to see if I fully went down but I just realized you can’t see my chin which makes it hard to tell if I am going over. Also the last rep has a bit of Kiev movement. For the push ups I did not lock out fully on every rep although I do go super deep and have some reps where my hips “sink” a little lower than chest. My cfa scores are already submitted but I haven’t put in the videos as it was earlier today. I know I can’t just retake the videos and submit them because then they wouldn’t be from the test which is cheating. When they inevitably get rejected will I have to redo the whole cfa or just the videos. Also is there any other course of action I should take.
I just took my cfa and I am fairly certain it will pass; however, the videos I took were not great. On the pull ups it’s a view from my back because I thought they would want to see if I fully went down but I just realized you can’t see my chin which makes it hard to tell if I am going over. Also the last rep has a bit of Kiev movement. For the push ups I did not lock out fully on every rep although I do go super deep and have some reps where my hips “sink” a little lower than chest. My cfa scores are already submitted but I haven’t put in the videos as it was earlier today. I know I can’t just retake the videos and submit them because then they wouldn’t be from the test which is cheating. When they inevitably get rejected will I have to redo the whole cfa or just the videos. Also is there any other course of action I should take.
If your videos are not accepted, the RC will ask you to redo them. This happened to my DS (current Pleab.) And thats ok. The RC said to redo just one of the videos, and not the whole CFA. I will say, make sure you follow the requirement to a "T." For pull-ups, make sure your head is level, do not look up at the bar (that is what they didnt like about my DS's first video), ensure you have a full body view to include your feet. No swinging or kicking, and your chin has to clear the bar, and you have to drop ALL the way down, no bend in the elbow at the bottm. For push-ups, make sure to lockout at the top, and elbow at 90 at the bottom, with a straight back.
I just took my cfa and I am fairly certain it will pass; however, the videos I took were not great. On the pull ups it’s a view from my back because I thought they would want to see if I fully went down but I just realized you can’t see my chin which makes it hard to tell if I am going over. Also the last rep has a bit of Kiev movement. For the push ups I did not lock out fully on every rep although I do go super deep and have some reps where my hips “sink” a little lower than chest. My cfa scores are already submitted but I haven’t put in the videos as it was earlier today. I know I can’t just retake the videos and submit them because then they wouldn’t be from the test which is cheating. When they inevitably get rejected will I have to redo the whole cfa or just the videos. Also is there any other course of action I should take.
The view that worked best for my cfa, and vids were accepted, was from the front, with head to toe and a little above the bar in frame
When should I expect to find out if I have to redo my videos. At this point my videos have been in with a green check mark for about a month but my cfa is still marked yellow. Does this mean my videos are passing or will I not find out until my entire cfa is reviewed.
I imagine the joy of sitting watching endless videos on a screen, counting. And counting. Especially when some candidates apparently do not know how to follow directions!
Yeah I feel bad I know it’s my fault my videos weren’t perfect. I was excited to do the push up’s and I didn’t lock out completely on all them at the start although I did hit good depth at least. I’ll take that as they probably haven’t got to my videos yet and I will just need to be patient, thank you.