CGA Monthly allowance question


5-Year Member
Mar 31, 2011
I'm a senior and waiting to see whether I have been accepted or not. As a senior, at my high school we have to do a senior portfolio with next year's monthly budget plans. I was wondering what the monthly allowance was and what exactly it goes towards and how much is left over for spending money.
as a 4/c your money is pretty much managed for you. Cadet pay is something like $867/month. A majority of that money is put toward your "white card" account where it goes to pay off the few thousand dollar debt you start with and to pay for new uniform issues. You get to keep $150 of it as spending money.
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You get around $888.37 a month... technically.

On hand spending depends on your class.
4/c get $150
3/c get $250
2/c get $350
1/c get $450

The difference between the amount you get for immediate spending is the amount placed into your white card account. This account is used for uniform items and other things like school supplies and books. Starting 4/c year, this is usually about 3k in debt, but after about April (if you keep adding on more uniforms and supplies and stuff) it eventually goes positive. After it reaches around 800 dollars in the positive, whatever is over around 600 dollars a month is placed in the Guardian account. This is a small savings account controlled by the "money ninja" at the academy. You can access this money whenever you want, you just need to do so by finding the money ninja and getting it transferred to your account of choice.
Oh, I'm serious about that, there is really a money ninja that you have to find.
If you are fortunate enough to be awarded scholarships they may be applied to your incoming debt for uniforms, etc.
Our cadet graduated with over $5K in their guardian account (at a certain point their 1/c year they were able to make deductions, but had to justify the withdrawal).
I believe he's referring to outside scholarships a cadet receives in his senior year in high school from groups such as Rotary Club, PTA, etc.
Right, Coast Guard doesn't award scholarships....guess they think the free $300,000 education was enough. :wink:
This is money from outside local or national sources. In our cadet's case they were awarded two that they could use (were general scholarships) toward USCGA costs. The money had to be sent directly to the Academy.